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What is Sound Bath?

A Sound Bath is an experience when one is immersed completely in beautiful blessing healing

sound vibrations. A bathing experience where one is washed over with loving vibrations.


A Sound Bath is an experience which takes one into deep relaxation and creative self-discovery.

The creation, which we are all a part of, is essentially experienced as vibrations. Similarly, every

organ and every cell in our body vibrates at a particular frequency. A sound bath provides a wide

variety of vibrations that resonate with our body-mind, even our thoughts and emotions. 


Sound as vibrations travel five times more efficiently through water than air. As our body is 70%

water sound easily resonates freely through our entire body at a cellular level.


Sounds are created by a variety of overtone-emitting musical instruments including, gongs, shruti box, singing bowls, chimes, ocean drums, as well as the voice.  

All musical instruments, particularly the Tibetan singing bowls create healing energy and vibrations that flow easily through our mind and body. This vibrational energy is as a river flowing in our body. 


A river flowing with loving healing, blessing energy.


A sound bath is for anyone who wants to palpably experience meditation and physical relaxation.  A sound bath is beneficial for beginners of meditation and experienced meditators.  


A sound bath allows one to be free of the body and similarly a freeing emotional experience of self-discovery. Sounds, as black and white images, allows one to imagine, to fill in “the gaps”, Sound vibrations create fantasies in our imagination. One may drift in time and space and experience unimaginable mind and body sensations. Sounds are emotionally and mindfully suggestive and so have the potential to free us of our physical awareness. Sound vibrations support our subconscious and so heal us in ways we will be completely unaware of.


Sound as vibrations bring balance, relaxation and a sense of wholeness to the body. The sound of harmonic vibrations created by singing bowls, gongs and other overtone-emitting instruments stimulate the alpha and theta brain waves.  These waves are associated with deep meditative and peaceful states that are highly conducive to healing.  


Sound vibrations slow down the heart and respiratory rate, creating a therapeutic effect on the mind and body. 


To experience a sound bath you will lie on a massage table, with a cushion under the head, and you will be covered with a comfortable blanket. You will close your eyes and the magic of the vibrations will resonate with every part of your mind and body. 


Sound and other vibrations are the very foundation of our physical and spiritual existence.  A sound bath provides an opportunity to resonate with the creation. A sound bath allows one to lovingly connect with oneself.


Benefits of having regular Sound Baths are as follows:

  • Stress Reduction.

  • Deep relaxation.

  • Reduces anxiety.

  • Lowers blood pressure.

  • Promotes deeper sleep.

  • Balances both hemispheres of the brain.

  • Cells receive a sonic massage.

  • Cleanses negative energy and emotions.

  • Helps to connect with your higher self.

  • Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition and motivation.

  • Removes blockages and toxins.

  • Strengthens immune system.

  • Helps to release and clear old self-limiting patterns of behaviour, habits and ways of thinking that no longer serve us and are harmful to our health.

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Balance your body & soul through sacred sound​

3000 TWD / 60 min​

10000 TWD for 5 sessions

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